Maitreya Sangha Korea Tara House Lama Glenn 2020 Summer/Fall Teaching Schedule
Sat, Jul 18

Time & Location
Jul 18, 2020, 7:00 PM – Aug 16, 2020, 11:00 PM
About The Event
Dear Vajra brothers and sisters,
Maitreya Sangha Korea, Tara House is very honored to announce our beloved teacher Lama Glenn's 2020 summer and fall Zoom teaching schedule.
Due to Corvid-19, Lama Glenn is still in the US/Canada and we have only been having Sunday Dharma talks by Lama Glenn via Zoom. Under the circumstances Zoom is the best solution to receive these valuable initiations and teachings and we are so happy that long waited teaching and transmissions can happen now.
Hope to see you soon on Zoom and registration instructions are on the bottom.
In Vajra Friendship,
aka Na Tso Dorje
Maitreya Sangha Korea Drupon
Maitreya Sangha Korea Tara House
Lama Glenn 2020 Summer/Fall Teaching Schedule
July 5 sun-10-12 noon Maitreya Sangha regular talk.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84225682973 (no password needed)
Jul 11 sat (Tib. Lun 21) 10am -12/1pm Amitayus Initiation and teaching
Jul 12 sun (Tib. Lun 22) 10am-12/1pm Amitayus Initiation and teaching
Jul 18 sat (Tib. Lun 5.28) Yamantaka Initiation 10am-12 or 1 pm
Jul 19 sun (Tib Lun 5.29) Yamantaka Initiation 10am-12 or 1pm
Jul 25 sat (Tib Lun June 5)-Bardo Jangcho club- Vajradaka Initiation
Jul 26 sun (Tib Lun June 6)-Bardo Jangcho club- Talk on Bardo Jancho and phowa practice
Aug 1 sat (Tib Lun June 13) Amitayus Sewang teaching.
Aug 2 sun (Tib Lun June 14) Amitayus Sewang teaching.
Aug 8 sat (TL 20) Chakrasamvara /Vajrayogini Initiation 1
Aug 9 sun (TL 21) Chakrasamvara /Vajrayogini Initiation 2
Aug 15, sat (TL26) Chakrasamvara or Vajrayoginni Kusali Tsok
Aug 16, sun (TL27) Chakrasamvara or Vajrayoginni Kusali Tsok
No required fee but donations are welcome
Maitreya Sangha
Nonghyup 355-0049-5496-33
You must register in advance to receive the password.
If you request Tantric/Dharma name to be given, please request in advance. Tantric names are usually given out at the Initiations.
Please register by sending e-mail, KoreaMaitreyasangha@gmail.com
or call Chongwol at 010-8395-8881.ourside Korea 82-10-8395-8881
For US/Canada west coast it will be every Fridays & Saturdays 6-8 pm /9pm
US/Canada midwest &
Panama it will be every Fridays & Saturdays 8-10 pm /11pm
US/Canada east coast it will be every Friday & Saturdays 9-11pm /midnight
Russia-Moscow it will be every Saturday & Sundays 5-7 am / 8am